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Christian Kummer '22

First Year Senator

Varsha is well known across campus as a motivated, passionate, inclusive and intentional human being. She is an embodiment of what it means to be a good Middlebury student and sets the bar for what this community can achieve. She has demonstrated a clear commitment to serving as an active force of change at Middlebury through her involvement with various groups on campus, and raises the voices that can be silenced at Middlebury. She also demonstrates a willingness to listen and has a genuine interest in seeking common ground with others. 


Through my work as a First-Year Senator this year, I have interacted with Varsha quite frequently. She is well equipped with the tools and information that are required to make the SGA function efficiently, and her prior experience will allow her to achieve her goals. I have extreme confidence in Varsha’s capability and there is no other candidate more fit for the role of President than she is!

Christian Kummer '21 First-Year Senator: Issues
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